Spiritual coaching is for those who may feel like they are shifting into a new phase in life. You may feel as though your “old way” or belief system no longer serves you, and that you are growing and evolving mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

You might also feel like you are on a different level and as a result, you may no longer resonate in your relationships with friends and family. Or, perhaps work feels more like a grind than a passion. It’s time for you to receive greater clarity and a deeper understanding of the energies shifting your life.


During a Spiritual Coaching session, Alyssa, a licensed minister with Alliance of Divine Love (ADL), can determine if you are undergoing “spiritual madness” or a “dark night of the soul.” Using her intuitive abilities and extensive metaphysical knowledge, Alyssa will help you find a greater balance, higher purpose, and an attuned healing modality to bring forth your best life.

Spiritual Coaching sessions can take place in-person, online video or by video phone calls.

Spiritual Coaching Fees

1-Hour Session

$ 111


$ 60

Spiritual Coaching is not intended to take the place of professional therapy.

Call or text Alyssa
to book your appointment.
